It Takes Time
A: Have you ever noted as to what takes time.
B: As I do; and have; not, yet I would like to inquire to what you said.
A: Well, as then I will say: have you ever said - or said something similar to - “It takes time.”
B: I must have for it is most common of an expression.
A: Well have you noted - as it also takes time to note it - what; or who; takes it - it being time - and where it gets taken to?
A: As I have and I must conclude I that do not know.
B: The person taking the time must - as a matter of course - be the person doing the thing that takes said time.
A: Yet you don’t say “I take time” do you? as you say it takes time.
B: As you are correct. Which would mean that the time is taken by the action.
A: Have you ever seen an action, and for that matter where would this action put time - as if it takes it, it must be put somewhere.
A: Yet this is a matter of little import. You see whatever takes time is less relevant than the question of how much we have left.
B: As you are ever correct, this is disastrous for as everyone says that things take time therefor much time would have been taken as of now!
A: Worried I am you see.
B: I am as the same.
B: This makes who takes time ever more important, for we could ask them to bring it back.